MPM107 New Media?

13 Sep

Whoa! That’s all I can say after listening to the Quirks and Quarks podcast. This was definitely an eye opener for me to what we are able to do with the different technologies that have been created.  (Link to the website here

Now when I originally heard some of the ideas that were discussed in the podcast I instantly thought ‘science’. It does really sound like it is all science but I think science is just one half of the creation of these projects. An example they discussed was being able to use a 3D printer to create a heart. I think this definitely has a science aspect to it, which will figure out the biology and ‘science’ part (which I don’t know a whole lot about so I do not want to throw any terms out there and use them incorrectly). I also think there is an art aspect to many of these new ideas. Sticking with the 3D printer to print a human heart example, we can see that there is this creative aspect of the design, and the thought behind. I also think a New Media aspect to this project would involve the 3D printer part. The 3D printer was a New Media device, so by incorporating a science element to it great things can be accomplished.

The podcast definitely changed my outlook on New Media and what it people are capable of in this industry. I think my definition for New Media now is more along the lines of ‘Being able to create and communicate through all forms of media’.

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