Tag Archives: Information

MPM107 What Makes a Good Blog?

27 Sep

Today we are looking at two blogs; The Good Blog, and The Bad Blog.

The first difference you see in the two blogs is that The Good Blog is simple. At first glance, nothing is cluttered or busy. The Bad Blog tends to have to much going on. Its cluttered and not as clear. The biggest difference between the two blogs is that The Good Blog is easy to sort through. It is easier to access different parts of the sites with the drop down menus, and you are able to read the catergories, because they have clear subcategories. Exploring the site is much easier. On The Bad Blog there is not much organization. Everything is in the side, and you have to scroll down the page to find things, The Good Blog the good blog has everything available at the top of the page. What I think will be the most helpful to do in my own blog, is create organized categories and sub categories. They are simple to use and sort through if you are looking for something specific.

What’s nice about the The Good Blog is that it is very clean cut. It does not have much colour in it so the viewer understands that it is mostly an academic/simple straight forward blog. The captions are right in my view the moment The Good Blog appears on the screen. So you can not miss it! it is categorized so simple that anybody can find what they are looking for, rather than countless right clicks to end up in the same place you started with! The Bad Blog on the other hand is creative and colourful so it leaves the ideal viewer a little puzzled. There is not much categorization in the blog so it makes it really hard to search for what you need. It is time consuming and confusing which makes time researching gone to waste. The Bad Blog is pretty though.. I’ll give it that.